Tiered Behavior Plan – Editable Template

Establish clear expectations, rewards and tiered consequences with this free behavior plan template.

Editable Editable: Google Slides Non-Editable Non-Editable: PDF Pages Pages: 3 Pages Grades Grades: PK - 6 Preview File Share resource

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Tiered Behavior Plan – Editable Template

Updated Updated: 28 Jul 2023

Establish clear expectations, rewards and tiered consequences with this free behavior plan template.

Editable Editable: Google Slides Non-Editable Non-Editable: PDF Pages Pages: 3 Pages Grades Grades: PK - 6 Preview File Share resource

Establish clear expectations, rewards and tiered consequences with this free behavior plan template.

Free Behavior Management Plan for the Class and Individuals

Unlock the potential for positive behavior and personal growth with Teach Starter’s Tiered Behavior Plan. Designed for classroom settings or individual students, this versatile template provides a structured framework to establish clear expectations, rewards, and consequences, fostering a harmonious and productive learning environment.

The Tiered Behavior Plan empowers educators and students alike, allowing you to customize and tailor the plan to suit your specific needs. With space to outline five rules, you can address essential behavioral expectations while promoting a culture of respect, responsibility and engagement.

Within the plan, you’ll find a dedicated section for reward ideas, enabling you to incentivize positive choices effectively. From small tokens of appreciation to meaningful incentives, the reward system encourages students to strive for excellence, demonstrating the value of their efforts and fostering a sense of accomplishment.

But what sets our Tiered Behavior Plan apart is its comprehensive approach to consequences. With five distinct tiers, ranging from Level 1 to Level 5, the plan provides a clear and visual representation of the escalating consequences for inappropriate behavior. This tiered system enables students to understand the direct relationship between their actions and the subsequent outcomes, promoting personal accountability and growth.

Easy Prep Behavior Plan Template

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This resource was created by Lisamarie Del Valle, a teacher in Florida and a Teach Starter Collaborator.

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