Medi-Cal Providers, Doctors & Companies

group of medical providers including doctors and companies
Everyone has health care needs, but not everyone has the financial means to seek treatment without access to affordable health insurance coverage — until now. If you’re in need of health insurance coverage for yourself or your family, you can now afford medical services at little or no cost thanks to Medi-Cal, California’s Medicaid program.
nurse is talking to patient in front of map of california

What Is Medi-Cal, and How Does It Work?

Medi-Cal is the Medicaid program in California that allows low-income individuals and families who don’t have the financial means to obtain health care coverage to gain access to necessary medical and health care providers and services. The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) oversee the program.

If you’re a low-income Californian who needs financial assistance paying for visits to your primary care physician or dentist, prescription medications, rehab treatments, surgeries, hospital stays and more, Medi-Cal is perfect for you. The Medi-Cal program has participation from over 400 hospitals and approx 130,000 physicians, pharmacists, dentists and other health care providers in California.

what is medi-cal and how does it work

Most Medi-Cal plans are managed care plans, which mean they operate similar to a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO). Under this designation, you will coordinate care using a number of Medicaid doctors and companies. Medi-Cal also offers Fee-For-Service plans.

How to Determine Your Medicaid Provider Network

If you’re eligible to enroll in Medi-Cal, you are automatically placed into the Fee-Fo-Service plan until you select your managed care provider. Your access to Medi-Care health plans depends on what California county you live in. Once you select a Medi-Cal managed care plan, you will select your primary care physician (PCP), which is the main doctor you will see for your routine checkups and visits when you’re sick.

diagram of how to determine your medicaid provider network

You can view the Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan Directory to determine which health plans are available in your county. You must select a plan no more than 30 days after you’ve been informed you qualify for Medi-Cal services. Otherwise, the state of California will select your health plan for you.

If your county only has one plan listed, then that is the only option available for all Medi-Cal enrollees. If there is more than one option available, you should compare plans to choose the best one that will meet your health and medical needs.

How to Find Providers, Doctors, Medical Offices and Hospitals

use the dhcs find provider form and follow these three simple steps

Once you have selected your health plan, you can determine which providers are covered. You can use DHCS’ find a provider form to help by following only three simple steps when you search by location:

What Health Insurance Companies Are Available in California?

how to determine your medicaid provider network

Medi-Cal works with 11 different health insurances companies throughout California that provide individual, family and group health insurance (noted by **). Those companies include:

Get an Insurance Quote Today

nurse is giving an elderly woman health plan quote

If you think Medi-Cal is right for you, Health For California wants to make it easy for you to apply for services. Complete our form to receive a fast and accurate health plan quote today.