An Overview of Securities Contract Regulation Act 1956

The Securities Contracts Regulation Act, 1956 (SCRA) is an important legislation in India that regulates the securities market. The Act was enacted to prevent Unauthorized transactions in stock exchange by regulating the business of dealing therein and by providing for certain other matters connected with it.

In simple words, it lays down rules to ensure fair and transparent dealings in buying and selling of securities, which include stocks, bonds, and other financial instruments.

In this article, the key provisions, components, objective of this Act will be discussed in detail.

Objective of Securities Contract Regulation Act 1956

In order to regulate the stock exchange and the contracts that are executed in stock exchange the government passed the Securities Contracts Regulation Act, 1956

The primary objective of the SCRA is to prevent malpractices and protect the interests of investors in the securities market. It seeks to ensure the orderly and healthy growth of the securities market.

The Securities Contracts Regulation Act, 1956, aims to create a regulatory framework that promotes fairness, transparency, and investor protection in the securities market, while also providing the flexibility to adapt to evolving market dynamics.

The Act Empowers the central government to prevent unauthorized trading.

Key Features of Securities Contracts Regulation Act, 1956

The Features of securities contract Regulation Act are listed below as:

Significance of SCRA, 1956, in Raising Investment

The SCRA encompasses key provisions that positively impact the perspective of raising investment for diverse economic activities across different sectors. Notable aspects include:

Section 3 of the SCRA outlines a specific procedure for stock exchanges seeking recognition from the government, with SEBI also empowered to grant recognition. The Act emphasizes that prior to granting recognition, the Central Government must be satisfied, through proper inquiry, that the rules and bylaws of the stock exchange align with prescribed conditions, ensuring fair dealing and investor protection.

The SCRA, amended by the Security Laws (Amendment) Act, 2004, mandates corporatisation and demutualisation of stock exchanges under Section 4(B). This involves the conversion of a stock exchange into a corporate entity and the segregation of ownership and management from trading rights. The provision requires that at least 51% of a recognized stock exchange’s equity share capital be held by the public, facilitating effective investment from the public.

Various provisions, such as Sections 6, 7, and 8, empower the Central Government and SEBI to exert control over recognized stock exchanges. This control allows for actions necessary to ensure investment growth, protect trade interests, and promote public welfare. Requirements for periodic returns, inquiries, and rule-making authority contribute to robust governance.

The SCRA addresses the listing of securities on recognized stock exchanges, emphasizing the admission of securities for dealings. Section 21 mandates compliance with listing conditions, and delisting provisions under Section 21A enable stock exchanges to take action based on prescribed grounds

The SCRA, under Section 3, establishes a procedure for stock exchanges seeking recognition from the government. The act outlines the conditions for granting recognition, ensuring adherence to prescribed rules and bylaws that safeguard fair dealings and investor interests. Additionally, SEBI is empowered to grant recognition, enhancing government control to protect investors.

The key amendments to the Securities Contracts (Regulation) (Stock Exchanges and Clearing Corporations) Regulations, 2018, include:

a) In sub-regulation (2): The words “or a participant” are inserted after “the event of a clearing member” and before failing to honour.”

b) In sub-regulation (3):

The words “or participant(s)” are inserted after “failure of clearing member(s).”

Important Case Laws

In R. Chellappan v. Secretary, Kerala State Electricity Board (1975) The Supreme Court held that the term securities includes a wide range of instruments, including shares, stocks, bonds, and debentures.

In Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) v. Shriram Mutual Fund (1997): The Supreme Court clarified SEBI’s has authority to regulate mutual funds and protect the interests of investors.

In Sahara India Real Estate Corporation Ltd. and Ors. vs. SEBI (2012), The Supreme Court affirmed that optionally fully convertible debentures (OFCDs) offered by Sahara constituted ‘securities.’


The Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956, has played a crucial role in shaping India’s securities market. Through amendments and legal interpretations, it continues to provide a robust regulatory framework, ensuring transparency, fair practices, and investor protection in the ever-evolving financial dynamics. Understanding its provisions and implications is essential for all stakeholders in the securities market.