latest Circulars
Procedure and guideline issued for engagement of Young Professionals/Consultants/Senior Consultants in the M/o MSME on contract basis
Procedure and guidelines for engagement of Young Professionals/Consultants/Senior Consultants in Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and its attached office-reg
Appointment of Sole Arbitrator in the residual Arbitration matters pertaining to supply orders placed against DGS&D Rate Contracts-reg.
Appointment of Sole Arbitrator in the residual Arbitration matters pertaining to supply orders placed against DGS&D Rate Contracts-reg.
Speedy disposal of grievances related to discrepancy or complaints pertaining to updating requests and to take action on the recommendations of Directorate of Industries for cancellation/amendments of Udyam Registration Certificate within 48 Hours-reg.
Speedy disposal of grievances related to discrepancy or complaint(s) pertaining to updating requests and to take action on the recommendations of Directorate of Industries for cancellation/amendments of the Udyam Registration Certificate within 48 Hours-reg.
Request for including activities in NIC Code-regarding.
Request for including activities in NIC Code-regarding.
UDYAM REGISTRATION: Circulars and Orders
Udyam Registration
Udyam Registration: Clarification regarding Financial Year in respect of the data of Investment, Turnover and Export from the IT Department and GSTN for effecting the Classification of MSMEs -reg.
Udyam Registration: Clarification regarding Financial Year in respect of the data of Investment, Turnover and Export from the IT Department and GSTN for effecting the Classification of MSMEs -reg.
Activities -NIC Codes- not covered -with exception of certain categories- under MSMED Act, 2006 for Udyam Registration-regarding
Activities [NIC Codes] not covered [with exception of certain categories] under MSMED Act, 2006 for Udyam Registration-regarding
Engagement of Consultants at Group -B Level in the Ministry of MSME
Engagement of Consultants in the Minisltry.
Compliance of the order of the Honble Supreme Court in the matter of Shri Anuj Goyal vs. UOI and others - Identification of posts for PWD - regarding
Compliance of the order of the Honble Supreme Court in the matter of Shri Anuj Goyal vs. UOI and others - Identification of posts for PWD - regarding
The List of CPIOs & AAs
The List of CPIOs & AAs
Website Content Owned and Managed by Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, Government of India Designed, Developed and Hosted by National Informatics Centre( NIC ) Last Updated: 09 Aug 2024