Complete the application
Now that you’re ready to complete your UBC application, we’ll guide you through each step and provide indispensable tips along the way. Once you finish, you’ll be a giant leap closer to studying at one of the world’s top 40 universities.
- Choose your degree and campus
- Review the requirements
- Start the online application
- Application tips
- Submit your application and pay the fee
- Stay in touch
Watch: Submitting your application
To apply to UBC and most other BC post-secondary institutions, you’ll use the EducationPlannerBC website. Watch this video to learn how the site works and what information you’ll need to prepare.
Choose your degree and campus
Each UBC campus has a distinct range of degree programs . When you complete your application, you’ll have the opportunity to select a first and second choice of degree. The degrees you choose can be in different faculties and on different campuses. Think carefully about your choices and make sure you have all the prerequisite courses.
In the online application, you’ll enter those degree choices in the Program Selection tab. Enter your first-choice degree in the “First Program Choice” field and enter your second-choice degree in the “Second Program Choice” field.
Review the requirements
You must meet UBC’s admission requirements – the University’s general admission requirements, and the specific requirements for your chosen degree – and demonstrate English language competency .
Start the online application
UBC’s online application opens in early October for Summer Session (May to August) and Winter Session (September to April).
BC and Yukon students: Please submit your Personal Education Number (PEN) with your application and order a transcript for UBC. Be sure to select “send my transcript now and allow this Post-Secondary Institution to request transcript updates” and choose the default date (one year from the date of your order) so that we can receive your interim and final grades continuously.
Ontario students: Please submit your Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) reference number with your application, so that UBC can receive your grades electronically.
If you’re applying to any of the following degrees, a supplemental application or additional materials may be required:
- Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Dental Science
- Bachelor of Fine Arts
- Bachelor of Media Studies
- Bachelor of Midwifery
- Bachelor of Music
- Bachelor of Nursing
- Bachelor of Arts Dual Degree with Sciences Po
- Bachelor + Master of Management Dual Degree
- Bachelor of Design in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Urbanism
Application tips
As you complete the online application, keep the following tips in mind:
- Start early and take your time. Once you begin the application, you will be able to save it and return to it later – but only up until the deadline. Once you have submitted your application to UBC, you will not be able to edit it. Since the online application can sometimes time out if left open for too long, we recommend working on your personal profile questions outside of the application (where you can run them through a spell-checker) then copy and paste them into your application.
- Let the online application guide you. You’ll be asked to provide only the information we need based on your degree choice(s), your previous education, and other factors.
- Tell us your full academic history . It’s important to include all of the high schools, colleges, and/or universities you have attended. Don’t leave anything out!
- Be accurate. UBC has a number of methods in place to authenticate information provided in the application. These methods include, but are not limited to, contacting references, verifying academic records, and requesting additional documentation to verify your personal profile. If an application is found to contain untrue or incomplete information, UBC may, at its discretion: withdraw an offer of admission; require you to withdraw from UBC; subject you to academic discipline; or share the information provided with other post-secondary institutions, law enforcement agencies, or other third parties.
- Use an email address you check frequently. Once you have submitted your application, UBC will communicate with you primarily by email.
- Note your UBC student number. Write down your UBC student number somewhere safe. You’ll need it in future correspondence with UBC.
Watch: UBC application tips
Your application is where you demonstrate that you’ve got what it takes to be a UBC student. Check out our five tips to keep the process stress-free.
Submit your application and pay the fee
Finalize and submit your application, and pay the non-refundable fee. Be sure to consult your faculty website to see if additional deadlines and fees apply for your degree. All figures are in Canadian dollars.
- Canadian citizens and permanent residents: $74.25
- International students who require a study permit: $170
Apply by December 1 if:
- You are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and you wish to be considered for the Presidential Scholars Award or the UBC Centennial Scholars Entrance Award .
- You are a direct-entry high school applicant who follows a Canadian curriculum and wishes to be considered for a first-round offer of admission.
- You are a Canadian post-secondary applicant who wishes to be considered for admission based on your interim transcripts.
- You are an international student and you are applying for an International Scholars Program award. Note: to be considered for the International Scholars Program awards, a separate application is due by November 15.
Otherwise, the deadline to apply is January 15 . Applications will remain open beyond January 15 for visiting, unclassified, and Access Studies applicants.
Stay in touch
UBC will share important dates and deadlines with you via email, so be sure to check your inbox regularly. After you submit your application, you’ll receive an email outlining which required documents you still need to provide.
We’ll also communicate with you via the Applicant Service Centre , post updates to the UBC Admissions Blog , and give you a peek at UBC life on Facebook , Twitter , Instagram , and Snapchat .
More on how to apply:
- Plan for UBC
- Choose what to study
- Write your personal profile
- Complete the application
- Disability-related considerations
- Working with an education agent