Could you imagine a situation where you had a legitimate claim and there was nothing you could do about it? Yes, you advanced P1 000 000.00 (One Million Pula) to a close friend and yes, you were cautious and actually put it all in writing. But now you cannot approach the courts for recourse despite default. Why? Your claim prescribed.

What is prescription?

Botswana Law recognizes two types of prescription which are Extinctive Prescription and Acquisitive Prescription.

Acquisitive Prescription relates to acquisition of ownership of another person’s immovable or movable property by reason of possessing such property for a period of 30 years, or use of a servitude in respect of immovable property continuously for the same period.

Extinctive Prescription refers to the rendering unenforceable of a right by lapse of time.

This begs the question, what amount of time should have lapsed for one’s right to no longer be enforceable? In Botswana, Section 4 of the Prescription Act provides the different periods of extinctive prescription depending on the circumstances. For example, except for the State/Government, 1 year period is provided in respect of an action for defamation, 3 years period in respect of oral contracts and remuneration for services rendered whereas written contracts can be executed within 6 years. Where two or more periods of prescription may be applied to one cause of action, the longest period shall be the prescription period.

The notion behind prescription is to ensure that a person with rights does not “rest on their laurels”, but rather exercises such rights within a timely manner. So, to avoid your rights becoming unenforceable and losing that money and possibly the friendship, forever, be sure to approach Court or your trusted Attorneys for advice within a reasonable time.

