Welcome to our number sense page! Here you will find a wide range of free printable Number Sense sheets and resources that will help your child build a strong understanding of numbers, from counting to 10, through comparing two and three-digit numbers, all the way to rounding numbers and knowing the place value in multi-digit numbers, decimal numbers, and negative numbers.
In first-grade number sense, children will start by learning the fundamentals-counting, ordering, and comparing numbers up to 10 or 20. Later, they will strengthen these abilities by applying them to numbers up to 100. Moreover, they will implement rounding numbers to the nearest 10. In second-grade number sense, children will continue to learn about number sense by counting, ordering, and comparing numbers up to 1000. They will also be introduced to place value in two-digit numbers and exercise rounding numbers to the nearest 100. In third-grade number sense, children will improve their number sense ability by using different operations with numbers up to 10,000. They will also implement place value in three-digit numbers, as well as rounding numbers to the nearest 1000. Adding to this, children will learn about other numeration systems by being introduced to Roman numerals up to 100. In fourth-grade number sense, children will use the number sense skills to compare and order numbers up to 100,000. They will also practice place value in four-digit numbers and round different numbers to the nearest values. Children will continue learning about Roman numerals up to 1000 and use them in different exercises. As well as this, children will be introduced to the basics of negative numbers. In fifth-grade number sense, children will compare and order numbers up to 1,000,000 and will practice place value in decimal numbers. They will also be introduced to prime and composite numbers and continue learning about negative numbers and Roman numerals. In sixth-grade number sense, children will use number sense with numbers greater than 1,000,000 and practice place value in decimal numbers. They will also learn more about prime and composite numbers.
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